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Event Overview

Hurricane Festival 1998 Setlists Released

Event Overview

The Hurricane Festival, a renowned three-day music event showcasing rock, alternative pop, and electro genres, has released its 1998 edition setlists, offering fans a glimpse into one of the festival's most iconic years.

Performances and Highlights

The lineup boasted an impressive roster of artists, including Blur, Beastie Boys, Hole, and Placebo, who took to the stage and delivered unforgettable performances. Highlights from the festival included Blur's captivating rendition of "Song 2," the Beastie Boys' energetic set featuring "Sabotage," and Hole's raw and emotional performance of "Celebrity Skin."

Legacy of the Festival

The Hurricane Festival 1998 remains a significant moment in the history of music festivals, showcasing the diversity and energy of the alternative music scene. The released setlists provide a valuable record of this iconic event, giving fans the opportunity to relive and appreciate the performances that made it so memorable.
